Thursday, February 14, 2013

Northern Hawk Owl in Houlton

Back in late January, Dennis Kerekes reported a Northern Hawk Owl had been seen in Houlton.  As soon as I could, I made the trip down to see the bird for myself and had no problem spotting it right where Dennis said it had been seen.  Since that time I've stopped in to the bird's favored location several times and its never failed to pop and and show itself. 

Like the Snowy Owl, the HawkOwl is a visitor from the north and always an exciting bird to see.  It is active in the daytime and a busy hunter.  As its name suggests, the bird seems like a Kestrel or other falcon with its longer tail and rapid and direct flight style. 

The bird is very conveniently located just north of the intersection of Route 1 and Interstate-95 along the Access Road just behind York's Ford/Toyota dealership.  The owl has been seen most often in the small group of trees directly behind Furniture and Floors North and across the street from the veterinary clinic there.  

Many local birders have been to see the owl and more than  few from southern Maine, New England and beyond have made the trip to see the bird.  This week Paul Cyr was in the neighborhood and stopped in with his camera and sent along these shots of the owl. Enjoy.


  1. HI Bill...That's it I think I need to make a trip to Houlton to visit my daughter and family....what I amazing bird!! It must have been worth the ride down to see it!!
    I didn't know there was such a bird until recently!!
    I know just the location your describing!!

  2. Thanks for the update, Bill. I've been thinking of taking a ride to Houlton to see this special bird, but was afraid it might have left when all the snow arrived.

  3. Made the trip to Houlton and saw it today, right where you said it would be:)!
