Monday, November 7, 2011

Northern Maine Birds: Early November 2011

There have been a lot of gulls moving through the area lately.

Most are the expected Herring Gulls and Great Black-backed Gulls.  They've been taking advantage of the invertebrates (mostly earthworms)  uncovered by Aroostook farmers' late season plowing.  Paul Cyr sent over this shot of a mass of gulls following a plow in Easton.

I checked out the flock on Sunday and found a juvenile Iceland Gull in the mix.

Lake Josephine and Christina Reservoir each sported a Long-tailed Duck on Sunday too.

Thanks to the daylight freed up by "falling back" I visited Hanson Lake on the Presque Isle/Mapleton town line this AM.  There were 400+ Canada Geese leaving the pond for the day.  Left behind were a handful  of Common and Hooded Mergansers and this White-winged Scoter.   Not a great shot but you can see the white wings...

As I was leaving, a small flock of finches flew over the boat launch.  My first Common Redpolls of the season!

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