Thursday, April 14, 2011

Marked Ring-billed Gull, Collins Pond Caribou

Back on the 11th, I spotted a marked Ring-billed Gull at Collins Pond in Caribou. The adult bird was banded with both the standard USF&WS aluminum band and a color band but was also fitted with an orange patagial (wing) tag with the number 608 on it. Craig Kesselhiem was able to relocate the bird the following day.

I suspected the bird was marked as part of an ongoing study of gulls that winter on drinking water reservoirs in Massachusetts since another gull with patagial marks had be found in Aroostook County previously. A quick email check in with the biologists in Mass confirmed that our new bird was part of the study. The bird was apparently banded just a month ago in the famous Price Chopper Plaza on Route 20 in Worcester, Mass! Heres what bander Ken MacKenzie had for statistics about the bird:

Captured 3/15/11 at Price Chopper Plaza, Rt. 20, Worcester, MA

Capture location (GPS): 42.21324, - 71.79617

Captured using a rocket net baited with crackers and bread

Adult male ring-billed gull

Orange wing-tags: A608

Red leg band: 264

Federal leg band: 0994-21427

Released on site


This is the first sighting of this gull since it capture. Thank you!

You can read more about the gull banding effort here.

These are true waterfoul!

1 comment:

  1. Today may 31 2013 7 AM Cow Head newfoundland canada we have a wing banded ring bill with the numbers 188 I dont think it had a letter but it will problay hang around and we can get a better look at it
