Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Bald Eaglets in Aroostook

Paul Cyr recently took a buzz around central Aroostook coutny and checked on our nesting eagles. What he saw was very encouraging. After several seasons of poor production it looks like many of the nests have successfully hatched eggs!

In all Paul counted seven eaglets at four nests: three in Presque Isle and one in Fort Fairfield. He commented that most of the nests had small caches of meats and fish to feed the young birds. You can see what appears to be a fish next to one eaglet in the top picture and an impressive pile of red meat around the rim of the second nest!

It was also interesting to note how most of eagle nests are located in mature Poplar trees rather than White Pines as is often the case in the state south of here.

We are looking forward to monitoring the birds progress from here.

Thanks to Paul for these great pictures


  1. Great pictures Bill, and glad to see there is nest success this year!

  2. Great to be able to see right into the nest. I am keeping watch on a nest on the CT River nearby - I had seen the female bird incubating before but nothing visible yesterday. The only indication that it was most likely still occupied was a adult BE sitting on a dead tree nearby.
