Thursday, January 14, 2010

Presque Isle Christmas Bird Count results

Though the forecast predicted nasty weather, the Presque Isle
Christmas Bird count was successfully conducted last Saturday, 2
January 2010. A near-record 19 field observers thoroughly covered the
count circle and tallied a good number and variety of birds before
blizzard-like conditions drove them from the field. There was about
one foot of snow on the ground and only the swift water remained

The PI CBC is the northern-most count in the eastern US and this was
the 52nd time this particular count has been run.

A total of 35 species were found which is exactly the 10 year average
for this count. However this included six Count Week species that
were not seen on the actual count day. No new species were found on
count day but a European Goldfinch was seen during the count week
period just before the count. This species has not been seen on the count before. An
American Robin and Golden-crowned Kinglet were good finds and notable
count week species included Canada Goose, Tufted Titmouse and Common
Grackle. Notable in their absence were Pine and Evening Grosbeaks. The Northern Hawk Owls that were found all around the area in the weeks before the count managed to stay undetected for the entire count period.

A total of 4375 birds were found on the count day. This is the highest
total since 1993 and the second highest tally ever. This was a bit of
a surprise considering the apparent low numbers of birds seen prior to
the count. A record setting count of 2342 Snow Buntings comprised well
over half of the individuals tallied for the whole count. A total of
412 Bohemian Waxwings also broke the previous record set just last
year at 270!

Canada Goose CW
Mallard 23
Am. Black Duck 55
Ruffed Grouse 1
Bald Eagle 4
Northern Goshawk 1
Mourning Dove 92
Rock Pigeon 401
Downy Woodpecker 7
Hairy Woodpecker 13
Pileated Woodpecker 1
Northern Shrike CW
Blue Jay 122
Gray Jay 2
Common Raven 180
American Crow 54
Black-capped Chickadee 311
Tufted Titmouse CW
Red-breasted Nuthatch 20
White-breasted Nuthatch 5
Golden-crowned Kinglet 1
Bohemian Waxwing 412
American Robin 1
European Starling 35
Northern Cardinal CW
American Tree Sparrow 6
Song Sparrow 1
Dark-eyed Junco 4
Snow Bunting 2342
Common Grackle CW
Purple Finch 39
Pine Siskin 14
American Goldfinch 327
European Goldfinch CW
House Sparrow 11

total species 35
total individuals 4474

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