Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Blaine Hawk Owl

Presque Isle photographer Paul Cyr checked in on the Blaine Northern Hawk Owl late last week. The owl is very active and hunts busily in the morning and late afternoon. Paul sent over some great photos of the bird as it gobbled up a vole and took a snooze. You definitely want to click on the pics to enjoy the detail that Paul captured in the larger images.

The bird has favored the dead stubs in this small "island" of trees in an overgrown field. Its been seen here since it was first discovered by Ken Lamb back before Christmas.

The dark brown color and shorter tail of the owl's prey looks like those of a Microtus (vole) species. I'd love to hear from a small mammal expert on this...The meadow vole is a common rodent in these parts and favorite prey of the smaller predators.

My favorite picture of Pauls recent suite!



  1. I like your photos of the Hawk Owl! By the way the previous comment contains a hyperlink to soft porn. I have seen those before.

  2. I might want to go try finding the hawk owl has it been seen recently? If so where?

  3. What a gorgeous owl. Great shots and I really like the one where it is perched up high. It looks so tiny up there!
